จำนวนข้อความ : 100 Join date : 11/02/2014 Age : 33
เรื่อง: DO YOU LIKE TO READ BOOK? WHY? Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:28 pm
Yes, I do. Reading book is can Improve analytical thinking:That’s right, ladies and germs. Cunningham’s studies have found that analytical thinking is boosted by reading. Readers improve their general knowledge, and more importantly are able to spot patterns quicker. If you can spot patterns quicker, your analytical skills receive a boost. And Greater tranquility:Reading can soothe like no other. Given that I’m a pretty high-energy person, reading forces me to sit and be still. This daily act of making myself be quiet and still has been nothing short of miraculous for my anxiety and my “fidgety factor”.